Blogging using github pages

December 21, 2011

On holiday and finding that my blog was not available makes me think that

  1. self hosting on a broadband connection is probably not a good idea
  2. blogging on typo is not worth it

So I’m looking at simple solutions, using the ‘cloud’ and using my favourite tool (GIT)

One thing thats important to me is the ability to publish syntax highlighted code. For example here is a little ruby script I am using to create new posts.

  #!/usr/bin/env ruby

  unless ARGV[0]
    puts 'Usage: newpost "the post title"'

  date_prefix ="%Y-%m-%d")
  post_name = ARGV.join ' '
  post_file_name = post_name.strip.downcase.gsub(/ /, '-')
  posts_path = "/Users/andy/Sites/"
  post = "#{posts_path}/#{date_prefix}-#{post_file_name}.markdown"

  header = <<-END
  layout: post
  title: #{post_name}

  Write the "#{post_name}" content here...
  END, 'w') do |f|
    f << header
  end unless File.exists? post

  system("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{post}")

  # vim: set filetype=ruby

And here is some cucumber stuff (gherkin)

  Feature: Sign in
    As a registered user
    I want to sign in
    So I can be recognised by the site

    Scenario: Sign in
      Given I am registered as 'Fred'
      When I sign in
      Then I should be signed in

    Scenario: Sign in unregistered
      When I sign in as 'Fred'
      Then I should be signed out

    Scenario: Sign in with bad password
      Given I am registered as 'Fred'
      When I sign in with a bad password
      Then I should be signed out

    Scenario: Sign in with bad email
      Given I am registered as 'Fred'
      When I sign in with a bad email
      Then I should be signed out