Cucumber Webrat and Debugging Features
Debugging with Cucumber
Simple as putting a debugger
statement in any steps file.
Note also that you can run just one feature at a time with cucumber using -l
. See cucumber -h
Needed this when dealing with a problem with Restful Authentication forms. What I wanted to do was run the following story
Scenario: Anonymous user can create an account
Given I am on the signup page
When I fill in "Login" with "My product name"
However this kept on failing with
When I fill in "Login" with "My product name" # features/steps//common_webrat.rb:17
Could not find input "Login". (Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError)
Very puzzling as this sort of test works fine with Products. The matcher for this task is
When /^I fill in "(.*)" with "(.*)"$/ do |field, value|
fills_in(field, :with => value)
So I added a debugger and stepped into the code
When /^I fill in "(.*)" with "(.*)"$/ do |field, value|
fills_in(field, :with => value)
After a bit of traipsing around I found out that webrat uses a library called hpricot to implement most of its functionality, and that it was working fine. However the restful_authentication forms were not so good. Turns out that the labels were not matching the fields in the forms.
Learnt quite alot from this
- More about how webrat works
- How to debug a failing step
Anyhow learnt how to debug a feature