Putting New Project on Git Server
May 21, 2008
Details on how to move new Git project onto my git server so I can use this as a central location for my work.
With an existing new project (we will use ‘tc’) which is already under git do the following in the directory above the project
- ensure the project has no pending work.
git status
should show nothing outstanding - move to folder above the project
clone the project (in this case we will clone tc to make tc.git)
git clone --bare tc/.git tc.git
move the clone to the git server
scp -r tc.git deploy@little-un:/srv/git/
I have to do this as the deploy user (my Git user does not have sufficient rights) so I need to ssh to the server cd to /srv/git and change ownership
sshlunlittle-un > cd /srv/git/ little-un > sudo chown -R git:git tc.git
Now we dump the local repo and clone a new one from the remote one.
cd ..
mv tc tc.old
git clone git@little-un:/srv/git/tc.git